
PianoForAll Review | What to Know Before Buying Piano for all


PianoForAll Review : Pianoforall is a popular program that helps people learn how to learn the piano listening rather than learning how to read music that is an more complex method.

It’s not a new software. The Pianoforall course, developed by professional musician Robin Hall, was initially introduced in the year 2006.

In 2013, the program was upgraded and modernized. It is scheduled to be updated in 2020. A huge number of pupils across the globe have used Pianoforall over the past 15 years.

The numbers of Pianoforall are growing rapidly. The excitement around the piano software has reached an unprecedented level therefore now is the ideal time to look into it and discover what all the fuss is about.

The Program:

The Piano for All Training Course includes nine e-books interactive covering topics like the basics of learning piano as well as chords and chord transitions using chords to play catchy tunes or songs that are popular, playing various types of music (such as Blues, Rock’n’Roll, and many more) and more.

We mentioned that the e-books were ‘interactive this implies that the course’s audio and video lectures correspond to different parts of the volumes.

When you start reading a novel or specific subject in a book such as a book, what you read about is described through a video or audio lesson (as is appropriate to that specific topic).

In this manner, you’ll are able to get immediate, precise and practical experience of what you’ve learned. There’s any room for ambiguity or indecision. You are aware of the topics being talked about.

Pianoforall Review

Here is a brief overview of the different sections:

There are nine major divisions, each of which has nine e-books, 200 videos courses and 500 audio-based lessons/lectures.

The books are online and contain videos and audio to help you assess your capabilities. This is a brief overview of the books that are included as well as the lessons you’ll be learning in each one:

Book 1 – Party Time Rhythm Style Piano:

The “Party Time” introduction book will help you learn to play on your own and introduce you to popular rhythm-style piano, as well as the fundamental chords.

The book starts with a brief introduction to the keyboard, before moving into the notes, the fundamental chords and the basic beat (including the left and right chord) along with music notation and pausing.

The book contains 11 fundamental chords, 10 rhythms, as for exercises for progressions. When you mix these rhythms with chords it will be possible to play popular tunes at the piano once you’ve finished the book.

The gorgeous broken chord ballad is in the book. Instead of playing every note at the same time it is played individually in the broken chord. The chords are then broken down into their notes.

Book 2 – Blues & Rock ‘N Roll:

Playing on the piano blues and rock music is an enjoyable experience This section delves deeper into rhythm piano and introduces you to blues chords and rhythms which can be used in a wide range music styles.

Since blues music prefers left-hand rhythms, as opposed to right-hand beats, this method was selected. Robin Hall recommends that you learn left-hand rhythms until feel comfortable before moving onto right-hand beats.

The book starts with a basic blues rhythm, known as the twelve-bar blues. It is composed of three chords played within a twelve-bar interval. The book contains the rhythm of five blues.

Book 3 – Chord Magic Book:

This section teaches you valuable strategies for memorizing, speedy training exercises, and the most popular chord progressions in songs.

This is among the most complex and technical books so far and will teach you how to master the piano chords as well as inversions of each of the keys on the piano.

Easy “all chords memory techniques” are offered by the piano instructor to aid students in remembering the fundamental minor and major chords associated to each of the twelve piano tones. The book contains all the exercises that you’ll need in order to practice the piano chords that you’ve learned so far.

In the final section, the book provides an explanation of how to use the “cycle of fifths,” also known in the form of the “circle of fifths.” These concepts help you understand learn the basic structure and fundamentals of musical composition, as well as the relationship between the keys, and also a ideal method for practicing every chord and inversions.

Book 4 – Advanced Chords Made Easy:

There are many patterns for practice that are inspired by popular songs included in this Pianoforall book along with the rhythm chart for over 80 Beatles songs.

This book is a continuation of the process in teaching the piano and has the goal of making the most advanced chord knowledge appear easier than it actually is.

It teaches that you are able to learn how to make piano chords by using chord symbols from the majority of songs. Then, Robin Hall teaches you how to play more advanced chords that use the numbers 9, 11 and sus4 in the following sequence by using a method that he calls “One magic formula.” These chords can provide your songs with an incredible depth.

He also introduces you Barry Manilow’s style of writing and asks you to compose songs in the Manilow style. The book progresses on to clustered and diminished chords, and includes enough repetition to assist you in mastering these chords.

The book closes with a brief lesson on Beatles styles, and includes the list of Beatles songs and the first chord and rhythm associated to each.

A lot of them can be performed using the chords and rhythms you’ve been learning. However, 7ths as well as bass lines, which were often used by the Beatles are still to be recorded. The Beatles contributed to a variety of Blues as well as Rock n Roll tunes, and also wrote their own.

Book 5 – Ballad Style:

The fun course of Pianoforall will show you how to compose your own tunes and perform the piano in the ballad-style. The first course will guide you through the process of creating your own ballad-inspired songs step-by-step.

As Hall says the best way to master this type for piano practice is to improvise prior to trying to master specific pieces. Making and playing with simple chord patterns for left hand pentatonic scale or five-note and a more formal method of playing the piano in a ballad-like style by playing with different pattern and chords are a part of the learning process.

Variations of the fundamental three-note left-hand patterns are employed to guide to the note onto the right hand in this method of organization.

Apply all you’ve learned thus up to the songs. The book contains the piano music sheet for 5 more songs, and an example of how to create “Auld Lang Sang.” The book covers music in a wonderful book and at the end you’ll have the ability to play your first solo piano piece.

It includes melodic lines for several popular Christmas carols. You can enhance your piano skills by learning the left hand during the course of your last few lessons.

Book 6 – Jazz Piano Made Easy:

This Pianoforall book provides simple techniques that can be used to enhance your playing songs that you are familiar with. It also teaches you some of the most popular jazz chords and patterns.

This is among the most informative, dense, hard and instructive parts of the course and will help you build a solid foundation in blues and jazz piano.

It shows students how you can play blues scale as well as playing blues chords. Blues Scale, as per Hall it is as beautiful as it sounds with every change in a chord within any major key.

The book is now shifted to jazz. While the ballad-based approach of reading music patterns can be useful for Jazz but taking audio sample recordings and then rewriting the rhythms is a much easier and better method to master the way of doing it.

A variety of 7th chords are utilized in jazz classics as well as show pieces. It is possible to play with either your left or right hand when playing the seventh chord, and use your right hand to play the melody. If you’re not performing on the grand piano the chord of a fourth note could sound unnatural when played at a lower level to the keys.

If your melody line also runs in the middle You may have to play the chord’s voicing since low chord voicings are more refined and sweeter.

In the next chapter, the student is taught jazz on four different keys. They are given a number of suggestions for jazz improvisation, taught the art of quartal harmony, and learns to play the seventh chord in depth. The entire course is accompanied by a variety of fun patterns for practicing which is typical of the course.

Book 7 – Advanced Blues & Fake Stride:

If you liked the previous Blues book (Pianoforall Book 2) If you liked the previous book, you’ll love the more advanced fake stride and blues techniques in this book.

It blends your advanced knowledge of chords acquired since and also engaging right-hand chord riffs and blues beats that you’ve already mastered. All this results in advanced blues piano that can be achieved by combining right hand rhythms with beats from the left.

The Pickups Slides, Tremolos, Hammer-Ons, Turnarounds are only a few of the blues instruments you’ll discover about.

Pickup is a short riff that can lead to a pattern or chord.

When you rapidly change between notes to the next it’s the slide. This is similar to the guitar string is bent.

Tremolo produces a vibrating sound by switching two notes at a fast speed.

Turnarounds They are Blues tunes are typically made from a 12-chord sequence which is repeated over and. Turnaround is a lick, rhythm or chord that triggers an urge to go back to the original chord.

The book’s next section introduces you to the true as well as the false stride of piano. The length at which the left hand is moved from a bass note to the chord and it goes on and on is the distinction from the other.

“Entertainer “Entertainer” is then urged to be played using the false stride method. A hard Jazz arrangement is employed for the remainder of the tune.

Book 8 – Taming The Classics:

The book is a reinterpretation of some of the most renowned classical works , so that you can begin playing the pieces right now.

Piano Playing Through Sheet Music With Tips To Learn Piano

Hall starts the book by reexamining the piano’s foundations, starting with the piano keys as well as their notes, the basics of music notation, beats, bars and pauses. the primary component to the programme that is based on the ability to understand music sheets.

He continues by teaching piano key signatures, brand new symbols and musical languages. The class is concluded by a lot of practicing and advice on sight-reading.

Searching for chords that are easily recognized, themes and rhythms are among the music reading sight-reading techniques. Thematic patterns that are repeated can be found in numerous classical pieces. This means that you’ll be able focus on the notes.

For Whom Is It Designed?

The course, which is a breakthrough in the words of Robin Hall, the founder of Pianoforall will quickly advance beginner piano players to the intermediate stage. It doesn’t require whether you can play piano or any other instrument.

It is a good idea to begin with studying the rhythm style piano, and then progress towards playing Jazz, Ballad style, Blues and various other styles. You will then learn how to play classical pieces that are stunning.

Pianoforall will help you learn to play with a mix of the ear and reading sheet music. Additionally, you’ll be able to listen to audio lessons on every exercise to understand the way it will sound.

Take a look at this review video to find out the way a novice musician is feeling about Pianoforall. We believe this is a great course for beginners, especially those who are looking to test out a variety of genres or don’t know what genre they’d like to concentrate on at this point.

What Makes Pianoforall Unique?

There are a variety of reasons to believe that Pianoforall is awe-inspiring.

The first thing to note is that it offers updates and classes which anyone can get without cost! In addition, you’ll have unlimited access to all material once you’ve signed up which means you’re getting plenty of bang for your money.

The customer service is excellent on Pianoforall. All you have to do is take a note of your worries or problems and when the recording is received, a teacher will reach out to you.

Apart from that the book also includes all the additional material from this course, such as songs and guidelines on how to create the MIDI keyboard. This is a testament to how much this program takes care of each student.

And lastly, Robin Hall, the instructor is psychologist. He’s created an e-book that aims to encourage and motivate students to persevere even when they’re stressed out.

Who Is Robin Hall (The Creator)?

Robin Hall came up with the concept for Piano for All. Robin is a great pianist. He can play traditional grand pianos as well as keyboards. There is a difference between the two styles when playing on the grand piano is more traditional.

If you’re playing the piano it is more likely that you will listen to pop music. Both types of pianos, however you can perform the two styles.

This is the reason why playing the piano is an sought-after talent. Before launching the Piano for All initiative, Robin was cartoonist.

He taught piano as well as drawing cartoons, and taught people the art of drawing cartoons. He then decided to start an initiative called the Piano for All initiative in order to make his piano lessons more accessible for everyone.

Robin spends an enormous amount of effort to assist clients in learning faster. Robin teaches his clients various methods of memory and shortcuts to ensure they are able to recall information quickly.

To keep the reader interested and relaxed, he includes books with cartoons that he has illustrated. Throughout the journey of learning to play piano these books are self-help publications. They offer strategies for reducing stress which can be utilized when studying to play the piano.

What I Like About PianoForAll

A lot of teachers, I think do not realize the importance of putting chords in their students head’s. It is commonplace in the teaching practices to focus on the melody as well as the right hand. I think this is due to the fact that the majority of teachers want their students be successful, but their hearing is limited to the melody and not be able to tune out chords.

In the end, as a result, the right hand is favored over the left hand, while the hand on the left is frequently neglected during the initial months of instruction. Students who are dominantly right-handed prefer using their right hand because it’s the hand they are comfortable with.

It’s impossible to go without using your left hand when using this program. It’s rare for a course of instruction to put such a large concentration on music with rhythm right from the beginning. The rhythm piano, naturally requires a lot of use for the left side.

This is why I think that a lot of students will be able to master the left hand sooner than their peers of the past. I’m happy for it. I believe treating each hand equally is essential as it will benefit the learner over the long run.

The first points the teacher says in the book 2 is that the left hand needs to be the first to exercise, then followed by right. He doesn’t fret about it as he realizes that the majority of people are naturally more adept in their right hand portion. It is, without doubt, an effective solution to the issue.

This attention to chords will benefit students over the long term. Even if they don’t play hard-hitting jazz, pianists in bands must be aware of their chords. This can help students in understanding charts given by bandleaders, and most importantly, playing by the ear, which is crucial.

Real teachers may not have a simple time integrating video and audio into their classes. It’s a great tool for education and can be a massive assistance. There are 10 hours of audio and video available on the Piano for All website, which is quite a bit when you consider it. It’s equivalent to 20 half-hour lessons taught by instructors in live classes.

The last thing to mention is that I am impressed by how cheap this program is. I could easily imagine paying $300 for this application but the value you get for $40 is a great deal.

Let’s review some the Pianoforall’s advantages and drawbacks.

Pianoforall Review




PianoForAll is one of the best piano-playing foundations I’ve come across and the fact you can save the books, sounds and PDFs forever after you have paid for them is a great way to go back to the lessons in the future.

This is a great starting point for anyone who is interested in learning about older music, or learning about the way music functions to inform whatever they would like to pursue.

While there isn’t MIDI input, and a portion of the music is geared towards older audiences I’m awestruck by this product for an instructor of music due to the layout of the curriculum.


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